Current Affairs(2014) Series 3

Q.1)The planning commission of India was set up in..............
1) 1950
2) 1951
3) 1954
4) 1955
5) None of these
Correct Ans:
1 "
 The planning commission of India was set up on 15th March, 1950, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as chairman. It is an institution in the Government of India, Which formulates India' Five-Year Plans."

Q.2)Part of which Indian river course has been declared as India's first eco-sensitive zone by the union government ?
1) Ganga
2) Brahmaputra
3) Godavari
4) Mahanadi
5) None of these
Correct Ans:
 The Union Government declared the Natural course of the Ganga is 135 km stretch from Gaumukh to Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand as India's first "eco-sensitive" zone. This mean that part of the river cannot be disturbed for any projects."

Q.3) The President of India appoints the chairman and member of the national Human Rights Commission on whose recommendations ?
1) Prime Minister of India
2) Speaker of Lok Sabha
3) Home Minister
4) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha  
5) All of the above
Correct Ans:

Q.4) What is Amfis related to in India ?
1) Banking
2) Mutual Funds
3) Marketing & Finance
4) Power Industry
5) Information Technology
Correct Ans:
2 "
Mutual Fund
Amfi : Association of Mututal Funds of India"

Q.5) Who is Christine Lagarde?
1) Chief of WTO
2) President of France
3) Minister of Economy and Finance in France
4) Prime Minister of Russia
5) None of these
Correct Ans:
5 "
Franch Minister of Economy and Finance