IBPS - Logical Reasoning Series 4.2
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustrator of input and rearrangement.
Input : but 32 71 glory fair south 65 84
Step I : south but 32 71 glory fair 65 84
Step II : south 84 but 32 71 glory fair 65
Step III : south 84 glory but 32 71 fair 65
Step IV : south 84 glory 71 but 32 fair 65
Step V : south 84 glory 71 fair but 32 65
Step VI : south 84 glory 71 fair 65 but 32
and Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Step II of an input is : war 58 box cart 33 49 star 24
Which of the following step will be the last ?
1) V
2) VI
3) IV
4) VII
5) None Of these
Correct Ans:
Due to study carefully in various steps in the given input, this implies that in every step a word or a number arranged. In first step a word and in second step a number is arrange. Words are arrange according to the alphabetical order while numbers are arrange in descending order.
Step II: war 58 box cart 33 49 star 24
Step III : war 58 star box cart 33 49 24.
Step IV : war 58 star 49 box cart 33 24.
Step V : war 58 star 49 cart box 33 24.
Step VI : war 58 star 49 cart 33 box 24.
Hence last step is VI.
Input: shower fall water 34 51 67 98 goal
How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?
1) 3
2) 4
3) 6
4) 5
5) None Of these
Correct Ans:
Due to study carefully in various steps in the given input, this implies that in every step a word or a number arranged. In first step a word and in second step a number is arrange. Words are arrange according to the alphabetical order while numbers are arrange in descending order.
Input : shower fall water 34 51 67 98 goal.
Step I : water shower fall 34 51 67 98 goal.
Step II: water 98 shower fall 34 51 67 goal.
Step III : water 98 shower 67 fall 34 51 goal.
Step IV : water 98 shower 67 goal fall 34 51.
Step V : water 98 shower 67 goal 51 fall 34.
Hence five steps are require to complete the rearrangement.
Passage :
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a school. Each of them studies in different standard from Standard IV to Standard X not necessarily in the same order. Each of them has favourite subject is English, Science, History, Geography, Mathematics, Hindi and Sanskrit not necessarily in the same order. Q studies in VII Standard and does not like either Mathematics or Geography. R likes English and does not study either in V or IX. T studies in VIII Standard and likes Hindi. The one who likes Science studies in X Standard. S studies in IV Standard. W likes Sanskrit. P does not study in X Standard. The one who likes Geography-studies in V Standard.
Solution Image :

In which standard does W study ?
1) VII
2) IX
3) X
4) Data Inadequate
5) None Of these
Correct Ans:
Q.4) Which subject does P like ?
1) Geography
2) Mathematics
3) English
4) History
5) None Of these
Correct Ans:
Q.5) Which subject does S like ?
1) History
2) Geography
3) Mathematics
4) Data inadequate
5) None Of these
Correct Ans: