Daily Current Affairs For IBPS- 17 September 2015
1)Govt. launched USTTAD scheme in VARANASI (UP) for growth of lakhs of traditional artisans of the city.
2)E-Comm FirmSNAP DEAL acquired HYDERABAD-based mobile technology startup MARTMOBI to strengthen its mobility platform.
3)6th National Conference on Nuclear Energy organized by ASSOCHAM inDELHI with theme Nuclear Energy a “CLEAn” Energy option.
4)HYDERABADwill host 4 day INDO GLOBAL PHARMA EXPO And SUMMIT 2015 on JULY 24 2015.
5)HDFC LAUNCHED 10 second paperless instant loan for its existing customer
6)INDIA has assumed presidency of 68th WHA(WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY) after 19 years. Minister of Health And family welfare Jagat Prakash Nadda will lead India’s Delegation to the event.
7)The Union Cabinet, caired by the PM Narendra modi, gave it’s approval for the proposal to promulgate the NEGOTIABLE INSRUMENT (AMENDMENT) Ordinance 2015.