Daily Current Affairs For IBPS- 3 Octomber 2015

1)Turkey’sformer president and prime minister suleyman demirel passed away.

2)Hwang Kyo-ahn is south korea’s new prime minister.

3)3rdis the rank of india in world anti-doping agency (WADA) report for 2013.

4)Ministry of agriculture ministry launched NOWCAST service

5)SERBIAcountry won the FIFA U-20 world cup 2015.

6)ROGER FEDERERwon the ATP Gerry Weber Open Halle Tennis Title.

7)Benni Joseph Mavelilthe person who has been chosen for the V.K.Krishna menon Award.

8)Patrick helmes announced his retirement . He is a GERMANFootballer

9)BANGKOKSuvarnabhumi airport has the world’s fastest wifi services.

10)SWEDEN India Unlimited platform has been launched.