October OBITUARIES 2015 for IBPS PART 2
Eminent Physicist P Hariharan died in BEKELEY CALIFORNIA. He was 89.
He is survived by a son and a daughter. Mr .hariharan had contributed in various researched in cluding in the design of a new 3-beam interferometer, first partical radial-sher interferometer and double passed fabry-perot interferometer.
He had also developed multicolour rainbow holograms and improvised multicolour reflection holograms.
Former Indian president AVUL PAKIR JAINULABDEEN (APJ) ABDUL KALAM passed away following his collapse during a lecture in the IIM of SHILONG.
HE WAS 83. He was also known as the MISSILE MAN OF INDIA.
DR KALAM became the 11th president of the country and occupied the post between 2002 to 2007 during the NDA government headed ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE.
He was born on 15 october 1931 , after president post, he relentlessly taught science to the youth of india.
COLONEL HARWANT SINGH (RETD) a world was –II hero died in Patiala. He was 95.
He was officer in charge of the flag hoisting ceremony on the first independence day in india 1947.
Commissioned in 2nd battalion of the SIKH RAGIMENT in SEP 1941 singh served in irag,Palestine,north Africa , Cyprus and itly during world war – ii for the british army .
Later in 1951 he was transferred to the rajputana rifles when the state forces began to be marged with Indian army.
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