Myanmar Competition News 14 October 2015

Mrs India Worldwide competition was held on 9 -2015 at Burma Myanmar last May.All married Indian women all over the World took part in competition. This prestigious award is won by leading mahesabhai Bhanushali's Daughter in law,DHARSTI BHANUSHALI.
The aimed at promoting tourism between India and Myanmar,Last Friday 9 this competition was held. In this competition not only indian married women had participated but also America, Spain, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and Finland etc counties married women had participated in the competition .
DHARSTI BHANUSHALI was married with KARAN BHANUSHALI on 18-5-2013. During university years also took part in several beauty contests.In Valasd district her father in law Mahesh Bhanushali has a very reputation.Her uncle Dinesabhai is in BJP.